REAL Trends Website ranking image with copy of winning sites

We received the exciting news today, that REAL Trends ranked number 5 for Best Association and Regional MLS sites! REAL Trends announced that the chosen websites all include design elements that are considered to be the latest trends, and each of the sites listed in the top 10 demonstrate being used the right way to showcase beautiful associations.

WeMAR is excited to receive this honor!

We're blessed with members who gave their ideas and collaborated to help us bring the right information to members in a modern, user-friendly fashion. Here's a shout out to those of you who were a part of our Communications & Technology Committee. Thank you for your time and efforts on our website.

We're thankful to work with an amazing website company, BX3 Interactive. Their innovative design, ideas and programming have made a great difference in how we're able to present the association to our members and the public.

We also have a great team that helps maintain and add content to the site. Without everyone's effort and feedback, we wouldn't have the site we do today or have earned this ranking. Thanks to all of you!

view REAL Trends ranking

We're always looking for ways to make the website better. Please send us your ideas and suggestions via the Contact Us link or email communications.